Oahu, Hawaii: Polynesian Cultural Center

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A highly recommended stop on my trip to Oahu was a day at the Polynesian Cultural Center. The center resembles a theme park, but instead of roller coaster rides we learn about Polynesian culture and history.
Each section is dedicated to a certain island where visitors can read about each culture and obtain a better understanding of how those groups of people lived life in their respective islands. There are mock housing structures that resemble everything from town halls to single family homes.

Upon entering the center, Ben and I went to the canoes for the canoe tour of the Polynesian islands. The guide briefly explains every island that is represented at the center and throws around a few interesting cultural facts. My absolute favorite part about this place is all the random food lessons they provide. There are interactive exhibits around food for some of the islands that explains and demonstrates how certain groups made their food. We sampled poi in the Hawaii section of the center and learned how to make coconut oil in the Fiji section! We also learned how to make fire with 2 sticks and miserably failed doing so. Lastly, we got a small lesson in playing the ukulele.

On a canoe tour inside the center

This guy taught us how to make coconut oil (and yes, from a raw coconut)

Miserably attempting to make fire with sticks

In order to really see everything the Polynesian Cultural Center has to offer, plan to spend the entire day here. I promise that you will be entertained here so much that you won’t want to leave until you see every little thing! 

Our attempt to play the ukulele!