Oahu, Hawaii: Ocean Kayaking in Lanikai Beach

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lanikai beach
Ben and I went ocean kayaking one afternoon in Lanikai beach, towards the east side of Oahu. Lanikai beach is a great destination to visit since it is not as touristic as other parts of Oahu such as Waikiki.
There is a quieter feel as the beach is further away from hotels, shops, and restaurants (or anything commercial for that matter). Everything there has a more local feel and laid-back demeanor.  Overall, it is a great beach to relax, kayak, or walk around as part of a day trip.
We rented a double kayak for half of the day at Kailua Sailboards & Kayaks, dragged it over to the ocean (they didn’t deliver it for us unfortunately), and explored the blue waters of Oahu. As someone who does not regularly kayak, I quickly learned that it takes a ton of strength and energy to efficiently kayak the ocean. We could feel every single wave in the ocean as our kayak bobbed up and down, slowly pushing us over towards the rocks on shore. I think we lasted about an hour to an hour and a half before returning to shore to return the kayak. Alas it was still fun!
For people who are interested and have the time to make the experience last the entire day, it’s worth renting out a kayak for the full day and try going over to one of the two islands (or even both if you’re up for it!). There is one that takes about 20 minutes to reach and a second one that takes maybe 40 minutes or so. Bring lunch and a camera (in a dry bag) to enjoy a day at the little islands and check out the sea birds that nest over there.